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The People Behind Your Project: Lana Wrage

The People Behind Your Project: Lana Wrage
You told us you want to know more about the people behind your projects. You got it. This is the 13th profile in that series.

Lana Wrage


How do you help clients?
I work with clients to implement custom software solutions that make their lives easier. 

What led you to here?
At my previous job, I was becoming a business analyst (BA) when I really wanted to be a developer. When Jason (a former coworker and current Far Reach partner) had the idea to go out on our own, I thought it was a great chance to do something different. 

Tell us about your background or training.
I graduated from Wartburg College with a math and computer science double major. I was an intern at CUNA Mutual Group my junior and senior years, and I was hired there full time in 1999. When I was an intern, everything I know I learned from Jason. He was my mentor there. 

What is your work mantra?
“Build great software for clients.” The best part of my job is working with clients and figuring out exactly what they need—whether they know they need it or not. I love to watch how excited clients get when they start to use the software and see its benefits. 

What guides you?
I’m guided by Far Reach’s 11 core values, family, and God. 

What are you reading?
I’m reading “Getting Naked: A Business Fable About Shedding the Three Fears that Sabotage Client Loyalty” for our Far Reads book club.

Who do you follow? 
I’m either working or running kids here and there. So they’re whom I follow!

What’s your favorite app?
My favorite app is the calendar on my phone. I know everything that’s happening— whether it’s work, family, or kids. I know where I’m supposed to be and when. If it’s not on my calendar, it’s not going to happen. 

Where do you see the field going in 1-3 years?
Everything changes so fast with the web. Best practices can change weekly. I imagine it’ll continue to be that way forever. Our job is to keep up with all of these changes—whatever they may be—for our clients.

You can learn more about everyone at Far Reach here .